
Modern Hearing Solutions In Canton, OH, Alliance, OH, Akron, OH,
Millersburg, OH, Wadsworth, OH, and New Philadelphia, OH


Modern Hearing Solutions In Canton, OH, Alliance, OH, Akron, OH, Millersburg, OH, Wadsworth, OH, and New Philadelphia, OH


Modern Hearing Solutions In Canton, OH, Alliance, OH, Akron, OH, Millersburg, OH, Wadsworth, OH, and New Philadelphia, OH

Choice Hearing Center & Modern Hearing Solutions Blog

Learn about the latest technological advancements made in hearing loss rehabilitation, plus helpful hearing care tips and advice by following our Modern Hearing Solutions & Choice Hearing Center blog.

Why a Mild Hearing Loss Is a Major Problem

Why a Mild Hearing Loss Is a Major Problem Catch it Early; Treat it Early   What is a mild hearing loss? Mild hearing loss typically happens over time and can be gradual and painless. It may feel as though people around you are mumbling or like your ears are plugged...

The Hidden Costs of Ignoring Hearing Loss

The Hidden Costs of Ignoring Hearing Loss A Deafening Financial Burden Hearing loss is a pervasive and often underestimated health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. While the immediate impacts on communication and quality of life are well-documented,...

Preventing Decline

Preventing Decline   Tinnitus – What is it, and how can I make the ringing stop? One of the most common questions, and complaints, we get from patients is about the ‘ringing’ in their ears! Tinnitus (pronounced tin·ni·tus or tin-night-us), is the sensation of...

You Can Stop the Ringing in Your Ears

You Can Stop the Ringing in Your Ears Silence the Clamor: Finding Relief from Tinnitus   “The best cure for the body is a quiet mind.” ― Napolean Bonaparte   The phantom sounds of tinnitus in a person’s ears and deep in their head can be maddening! Tinnitus...

Why Does Tinnitus Make It Difficult to Hear in Noisy Restaurants?

Why Does Tinnitus Make It Difficult to Hear in Noisy Restaurants?   Lost in a Sea of Sound: How Tinnitus Amplifies Restaurant Noise   As if the ringing weren’t enough to deal with, many people with tinnitus also complain that it is challenging for them to follow...

Understanding Tinnitus

Understanding Tinnitus   Ringing in Your Ears: Understanding Tinnitus Causes, Management, and Relief   Current estimates are that nearly 50,000,000 American adults live with tinnitus and almost 1.5 billion people worldwide. Along with hearing loss, tinnitus...

Treating Your Tinnitus & Reducing Your Risk of Dementia

Treating Your Tinnitus & Reducing Your Risk of Dementia Silencing Tinnitus: A Sound Strategy for Dementia Prevention   In 2017, the European Dementia Commission put forth the first in its series of ‘the holy grail’ on the state of dementia. This report,...

Treating Tinnitus and Reducing Your Risk of a Traumatic Fall

Treating Tinnitus and Reducing Your Risk of a Traumatic Fall Silencing Tinnitus, Securing Balance, Preventing Traumatic Falls Falls are the #1 cause of injury-related deaths, lead to hospitalization, and can lead to the loss of independence. Falls are often associated...

Tinnitus is Different in Every Person

Tinnitus is Different in Every Person   Tinnitus Unveiled: A Unique Experience for Everyone   There are millions of neural connections from the ear to the brain. As we age and are exposed to noise, certain medicines, viruses, etc., there’s irreversible damage and...

The Truth About Medical Treatment of Tinnitus & Hearing Loss

The Truth About Medical Treatment of Tinnitus & Hearing Loss Unraveling the Mystery: Exploring Tinnitus and Hearing Loss Treatments Like ice cream that is sold in many places with many flavors, sometimes knowing where to treat your tinnitus and hearing loss and...